
工作分配信息”–显示关于所选工作分配的详细信息,比如任务和资源名称、计划工时和单位、开始和结束日期、成本、工时分布、实际工时、开始和结束、完成百分比、工作分配 ...,5天前·ASSIGNMENT翻譯:(尤指學業或工作方面的)任務,功課,(被派遣到某地做的)工作,分配(任務);指派(人員)。了解更多。,Aworkassignmentisacollectionofshipmentsstrungtogethertoformaunitofwork.Eachworkassignmentisassociatedwitharesources...

work assignment - 英中

工作分配信息”– 显示关于所选工作分配的详细信息,比如任务和资源名称、 计划工时和单位、开始和结束日期、成本、工时分布、实际工时、开始和结束、 完成百分比、工作分配 ...


5 天前 · ASSIGNMENT翻譯:(尤指學業或工作方面的)任務,功課, (被派遣到某地做的)工作, 分配(任務);指派(人員)。了解更多。

Work Assignment

A work assignment is a collection of shipments strung together to form a unit of work. Each work assignment is associated with a resource schedule instance and ...

Work > Work Assignments

A job work assignment is a combination of a job assignment an employee can work and a location where the job assignment is worked. For example, a work ...

Work assignment overview

Work assignment is a feature of Dynamics 365 Sales that automates the assignment of leads, opportunities, and insights to your sales team.

[Example Form] Work Assignment Form

If colleagues in the company have tasks to delegate and need to assign work items to other colleagues for assistance, they can fill out this form.

What is Work Assignment?

A work assignment or job assignment refers to a task or set of tasks allocated to work centers, an individual, or a team within a specific ...

Work Assignment Definition

Work Assignment . Means a position or post calling for specified duties to which an employee is assigned for a definite or indefinite period of time but ...

Why Should I Use Work Assignment in Project Management Software?

The work assignment feature in project management software allows work to be assigned to the appropriate person within the project team.